The Paleo Foods Co. Cocoa & Hazelnut Grain-Free Granola



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The Paleo Foods Co. Cocoa & Hazelnut Grain-Free Granola - 285g

Proper nutty granola that’s bursting with flavour and goodness so that you can enjoy a more nutritious breakfast! Packed full of toasted nuts and seeds making it high in protein. Contains no refined sugar, coconut nectar is used to naturally sweeten. Naturally low carb and low sugar making it perfect for a paleo or keto diet.


Coconut, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumkin seeds, coconut blossom nectar, cashew nuts, chicory root, cocoa powder, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, linseeds, chia seeds, cocoa nibs

Dairy Free Gluten Free Keto Vegan Vegetarian Wheat Free
The Paleo Foods Co. Cocoa & Hazelnut Grain-Free Granola
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